What We Believe

Our Mission

We exist to disciple and empower our community to pursue a deep personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ so that as individuals and families, Christ may shine through us in our homes, in church and in the marketplace; believing that by our godly example and testimony, many more may come to Christ.


Our Believes


We believe in one God, who is sovereign and the creator of all reality. We believe that God exists in three (3) persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus is fully God and fully man. Jesus came to the earth and was conceived in a virgin birth, to reconcile us to the Father. We believe He resurrected from the dead and sits with the Father, interceding for us.

Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is our Helper; He helps us to understand the words and ministry of Jesus Christ and also witness about Him.


We believe that the Bible (all 66 books) is the word of God. We believe that the Bible was inspired by God; inerrant and infallible.


We believe God sent Jesus Christ to reconcile us to Himself by dying on the cross and resurrecting from the dead on the third day. We are reconciled to the Father through faith in Jesus Christ.

The Church 

We believe Christ is the head of the church (the Body) and we are members of the Body. We believe that He commanded us to reach out to the world to make disciples.  We identify with Christ’s death and resurrection by celebrating baptism as a public declaration of faith, and the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of the sacrifice He made on the cross.


We are followers of Jesus Christ and our lives must be a reflection of Him. God empowers us through His Spirit to live for Him. Consequently, we bear the fruits of the Spirit elaborated in Galatians 5:22-23.

The future 

We believe in Christ’s return to judge both the living and the dead. We believe that those who have believed in His name will live in His presence eternally; whilst those who rejected Him will be separated from Him forever.

Our Leadership 

Accra Community Church is governed by a board and a team of pastors and deacons. Our pastoral team is responsible for the church’s/members’ oversight; shepherding; teaching and protecting the gospel.  Our deacons are servant leaders appointed to help meet the legitimate needs of our church community.

Prayer Request